Sneaking, peeking, and creeping

The surveillance state is out of control, and it’s about to get worse.

The General Assembly is seeking to give local and state authorities the same sweeping search-and-seize powers used by federal authorities under the so-called “Patriot Act.”

SB 919 & HB 1946, which should be called “Hack and Copy” bills, will allow local and state authorities to search through your private records without even obtaining a judge’s approval.

And you won’t even know they’re investigating you!

That’s why it’s vital that you call your state legislators and urge them to vote no on SB 919 & HB 1946.

Both bills have already passed the chamber they originated in.

HB 1946 passed on a “Block vote,” meaning the House of Delegates voted to pass several bills along with it at the same time, while SB 919 quietly passed the Senate with just one dissenter.

Yet as we’ve seen in the past, we still have a chance to defeat these bills…

But only if you act immediately.

Stop what you are doing and call your state legislators right away; tell them to hang up on their plans to steal your privacy!

If these bills pass, every device you have could be searched without your knowledge.

Your personal emails & text messages…

Your computer files…

Your phone calls…

Any record would be easily searched at the stroke of a pen by Virginia authorities.

We must not allow Richmond politicians to simply ignore your rights under the Fourth Amendment and put your privacy at risk.

That’s why it’s vital that you call your state legislators and urge them to vote no on SB 919 & HB 1946.

In Liberty,

Dustin Curtis
Virginia State Coordinator
Campaign for Liberty

P.S. Politicians in Richmond are actively trying to shred the Fourth Amendment and your privacy.

SB 919 & HB 1946, which should be called “Hack and Copy” bills, will allow local and state authorities to search through your private records without even obtaining a judge’s approval.

Tell your state legislators to hang up on their plans to steal your privacy and oppose SB 919 & HB 1946!

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