TSA Warns of ‘Catastrophic Threat’ to Airlines: Thermite; then they tell everyone how to make it and admit they cannot detect it!
‘The unimaginable stupidity of the federal government is on display yet again, only this time, they have fully endangered the lives of tens-of-thousands of people who fly on airlines worldwide every day.
The Transportation Security Administration (TSA) issued a memo about a “Catastrophic Threat” to airlines being a substance called “Thermite.”
The memo then goes on to explain HOW TO MAKE THERMITE, which can be done by using any of several over-the-counter products! They go even further, to reveal that trying to extinguish a Thermite fire can result in a repeat explosion because “traditional methods” of fire suppression (Water) results in additional explosions. The molten thermite is actually burning rusted metal which supplies its own oxygen to continue burning through whatever it touches.’
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