Tsipras and Varoufakis Successfully End Failed Austerity Program Dictated by Troika, Launch Class-Based Campaign Against Wealthy Tax Evaders, Oligarchs, and Grafters; Merkel and Schäuble Rebuffed; In New York, Podemos Honcho Pablo Iglesias Refuses to Support Syriza Call for 50% Debt Reduction for Greece and Others; Calls for His Resignation Heard; SS Runes and Swastikas Favored by Kiev Troops Exposed on German TV, but Not in US; Pinkney Family Spokesman Larry Pinkney Calls Berrien County Michigan a “Criminal Enterprise” Run by Whirlpool; Next Key Hearing Feb. 27, 1 PM in St. Joseph, Michigan

With Larry Pinkney, Director of Rev. Pinkney’s Defense Committee; Michael Chiotinis in Athens, and with a Call to Join the Tax Wall Street Party from Chairwoman Daniela Walls

Webster G. Tarpley, Ph.D. TARPLEY.net – World Crisis Radio February 21, 2015

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