Tsipras to Schäuble: Feel Sorry for Those Who Bow Down to Your Blackmail, But That’s Not Us

Despite an ultimatum from the silly Dutchman, Eurogroup President Jeroen Dijsselbloem, demanding that Greece sign its soul over to the eurodevils, Greece continues to say no.

After talks with the Eurogroup collapsed Monday, Independent Greeks’ leader and Defense Minister Panos Kammenos tweeted:

“No bailout extension will be requested, by order of the Greek people we will see this through together, all Greeks explicitly refuse to be blackmailed.

Tuesday, during an address to the Syriza parliamentary group, Prime Minister Alexis Tsipras said,

“Greek citizens no longer feel like the object of disdain and humiliation. Greece can no longer be treated as a colony. Greeks cannot be treated as Europe’s pariahs.”

According to Protothema, in response to statements by German Finance Minister Wolfgang Schäuble that he felt sorry for the Greeks and their irresponsible government, Tsipras said,

“I would like to point out that he should instead feel sorry for the people who bow down.”

Despite the ultimata and demands that Greece keep to the Memorandum without any changes, Athens will submit to the Greek parliament its social reform bills for a vote on Feb. 20, the same day as the deadline declared by the silly Dutchman. “We will not succumb to psychological blackmail,” Tsipras said. The social bills will tackle the

“humanitarian crisis caused by the mistakes in the bailout recipe. This is the debt we must repay first. We will not betray the Greek people’s confidence.”

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