Another ObamaCare Threat

Last week, Governor Walker presented two stand-alone bills to expand Medicaid, and they’ve now been formally introduced in the legislature.

At the beginning of legislative session, the governor had included ObamaCare expansion in the state budget bill.

Your quick action caused the legislature to pull the massively unaffordable scheme from the budget.

But Governor Walker is refusing to take NO for an answer and he’s trying to shove ObamaCare down your throat. . . AGAIN.

S.B. 78 and its sister legislation, H.B. 148, would both expand Medicaid and both are expected to receive committee hearings over the next couple of weeks.

In fact, testimony for H.B. 148 will be heard on March 24, March 26, and March 28, in the Health and Social Services Committee.

Please contact your state representative and state senator right away. Tell them “NO means NO,” and urge them to actively oppose and vote “NO” on Medicaid expansion.

Click here for contact information.

ObamaCare expansion supporters keep trying to sell you a false bill of goods.

They claim NOT expanding “leaves Alaska money” on the table. They say Alaska Medicaid dollars are being spent in other states.

But according to the Congressional Research Service, that’s a lie. They found:

“If a state doesn’t implement the ACA Medicaid expansion, the federal funds that would have been used for that state’s expansion are not being sent to another state.”

Expanding Medicaid entitlements is just plain wrong for Alaska.

States that have opted to expand their Medicaid programs under ObamaCare are millions of dollars – and in some cases billions of dollars – over budget.

In fact, John Kasich’s ObamaCare expansion program in Ohio is now a whopping 53% over budget this year, according to the Heritage Foundation.

And you won’t believe how he’s paying for it. . .

Reports are the Kasich Administration is taking funds from their pre-expansion program that covers the truly needy – such as elderly and disabled people – and using those funds for the optional expansion that covers ABLE-BODIED individuals!

That can’t be allowed to happen in Alaska.

Please contact your state representative and state senator right away. Tell them “NO means NO,” and urge them to actively oppose and vote “NO” on Medicaid expansion.

Click here for contact information.

They’re already calling the current budget deficit in Alaska “unprecedented.”

Alaska’s budget deficit for this year is already estimated to be at $3.5 billion, and it’s expected to be as bad – if not worse – next year, too.

And the budget reserve fund will be quickly depleted if serious cuts aren’t made soon.

In fact, State Senator Peter Micciche recently said the state has “two choices, and that is to cut services or ask Alaskans how they want to pay for those services that are outside of our core constitutional responsibility as a state.”

That means if Alaska passes ObamaCare expansion, you’ll be shackled with new taxes, not to mention less freedom, more fraud, and lower quality medical care.

Plunging oil prices are already wreaking havoc on Alaska’s budgetary obligations.

And adopting the optional ObamaCare expansion will only add to Alaska’s budget woes.

Yet Governor Bill Walker is continuing his push for ObamaCare expansion.

That’s why I need your help right away to stop it.

So please contact your state representative and state senator RIGHT NOW. Tell them “NO means NO,” and urge them to actively oppose and vote “NO” on Medicaid expansion.

Click here for contact information.

If S.B. 78 and H.B. 148 pass, there is no doubt more money will be coming out of your pocket for big government.

And if Alaska participates in this rotten scheme, it’ll be that much harder to get rid of ObamaCare for good.

Alaska is already struggling to pay the bills, and huge cuts are going to have to be made to bring the “unprecedented” budget deficit under control.

For all of the above reasons – and more – Alaska must reject ObamaCare expansion.

Please take action today.

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