Big Government spends money to see if Big Government is bad

they could have just asked me…

President Obama’s budget proposes spending  $15 billion dollars to conduct a study on “Reducing Unnecessary Occupational Licensing Requirements.”

Occupational licensing is the scheme by which entrepreneurs seeking to start business in fields ranging from haircare to taxi driver to florists have to undergo an expensive and time-consuming “certification” process before they can legally open a business . The result of this is to restrict entry into the licensed occupations. As with all government-created barriers to entry, occupational licensees hurts consumers by increasing prices and limiting choices.

These laws also function as a barrier to economic mobility. Many low-income Americans who have the skills to successfully operate a businesses are unable to because they cannot afford the cost of obtaining a license.

Veronique de Rugy, writing at The Daily Beast, provides more details on the problem with these laws:

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