California lawmakers seek to implement medical fascism by mandating MMR vaccination

‘If you live in America, your medical freedom is on the brink of destruction. Right now, corrupt congressmen, doctors, public health officials and other treasonous fascists are machinating to eliminate vaccine exemptions, first in California and then presumably elsewhere, as mindless measles hysteria continues to sweep the nation, backed by a militant agenda of forcibly converting everyone to the deadly religion of vaccines.

Merck whore and vaccine worshiper “Dr.” Richard Pan and fellow California state senator Ben Allen have jointly introduced new legislation in the Golden State that would bar Californians from opting out of vaccines for personal reasons. Californians currently have the freedom to cite personal, religious or medical reasons when deciding not to vaccinate, but Pan and Allen want only doctors to be allowed to make this decision for patients deemed to be at extreme risk from vaccines.’

Read more: California lawmakers seek to implement medical fascism by mandating MMR vaccination

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