Citizens tired of being enslaved by criminal central banks labeled ‘anti-capitalist’ by mainstream media

‘The so-called European Central Bank (ECB) recently held its official grand opening at the massive twin towers it now occupies at Willy-Brandt-Platz 2 in Frankfurt while tens of thousands of protesters gathered outside to stand in solidarity against this satanically inspired globalist takeover of Europe’s money supply and economy. According to reports, 14 police and 21 protesters were wounded at the rally, as angry freedom-fighters from across Europe gathered as one to reject this fascist coup d’etat.

But rather than accurately explain why the protesters were there in the first place — central banks are, in fact, evil, usurious institutions run by private interests that deliberately manipulate currencies, bankrupt governments and impoverish nations — the corrupt media machine is instead railing against them, falsely accusing those who oppose private central banks of being “anti-capitalist.” The idea, of course, is to vilify those who oppose the manipulation of currencies and economies by nefarious entities.’

Read more: Citizens tired of being enslaved by criminal central banks labeled 'anti-capitalist' by mainstream media

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