Couple forced to live in Ford Focus as payday loan debt spirals out of control

‘A couple claim they have been forced to live in their car after payday loans sent them spiralling into debt.
Philip and Victoria Sherlock borrowed £830 from lenders to cover their rent after he fell ill and had to give up his physically demanding job.

But high interest rates saw their debts spiral out of control and, despite 32-year-old Mrs Sherlock taking on extra hours at work, they were evicted in February.

They claimed they asked the council for help, but said they were told they were not considered high risk enough for emergency accommodation.

Mr and Mrs Sherlock now live in their Ford Focus, which they park on an industrial estate – and spent their ninth wedding anniversary sharing a Twix in the car.’

Read more: Couple forced to live in Ford Focus as payday loan debt spirals out of control

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