Critics banned, Islamophobes welcomed at ‘We Believe in Israel’ UK conference

‘Organizers of a major pro-Israel conference taking place in London this weekend have been vetting the political views of those registered to attend.

I know since, as a researcher examining the pro-Israel lobby in the UK, I signed up to attend, making no attempt to conceal my identity.

But those behind the 22 March “We Believe in Israel” conference, staged by a body of the same name which declares itself the “grassroots” arm of the UK’s major pro-Israel lobby group BICOM (the Britain Israel Communications and Research Centre), wrote to me to say my “application” to attend had not been accepted.

Conversely, organizations with links to the transnational Islamophobia industry appear to have been welcomed with open arms.’

Read more: Critics banned, Islamophobes welcomed at 'We Believe in Israel' UK conference

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