Executive for Weapons Manufacturer Admits Publicly That ‘Perceived’ Threats Are Great for Business

‘Although unemployment is finally starting to fall, the economy overall remains sluggish, as many Americans struggle to regain their economic footing after the Great Recession. There is one industry, however, that has boomed throughout: defense contractors. A recent internal investor call hosted by General Dynamics explains part of the reason why: fear.

In the company’s fourth-quarter 2014 conference call with investors, which took place on Jan. 28, 2015, Erin Linnihan, vice-president for investor relations, took questions from a variety of investors about topics relating to the firm’s fiscal outlook.

At one point, an investor asks about international demand, particularly relating to the falling price of oil. Linnihan remarks that she is a “big believer” in how “threats” and “perceived threats” boost business.’

Read more: Executive for Weapons Manufacturer Admits Publicly That 'Perceived' Threats Are Great for Business

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