Exposed: US Played Secret Role in Botched Philippine Raid That Left Dozens Dead

‘Contradicting prior U.S. claims, a Philippine government investigation released Tuesday in Manila suggests that the U.S. secretly had a hand in a failed commando raid in that country that resulted in a bloodbath and set in motion an ongoing political scandal.

In the botched January Mamasapano operation, which targeted two “terrorists” with U.S. bounties on their heads, Philippine forces suffered a disastrous defeat that left 44 police officers, four civilians, and 18 members of the Moro Islamic Liberation Front dead. One of the suspects, Zulkifli bin Hir, was also killed in the confrontation.

The consequences, however, went far beyond the immediate lives lost.’

Read more: Exposed: US Played Secret Role in Botched Philippine Raid That Left Dozens Dead

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