Georgia Women Arrested Protesting Bill That Would Let Employers Fire Women Who’ve Had An Abortion

‘In several states, Republican lawmakers are sponsoring bills that would allow employers to use “religious liberty” as an excuse to do whatever they want – including discriminate against customers or employees on the basis of religion.

Georgia’s version of this religious liberty bill has already passed the state senate, but is running into trouble in the house, where even the speaker, a Republican, has expressed skepticism about the legislation.

Progressive activists in the state are leaving nothing to chance, realizing that if the bill passes, the state could see a new wave of discrimination similar to Jim Crow-style restrictions on African Americans. Some women’s organizations are particularly concerned that right-wing employers could, for example, fire women who’ve had abortions.’

Read more: Georgia Women Arrested Protesting Bill That Would Let Employers Fire Women Who've Had An Abortion

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