GM soybeans transfer mutated DNA to milk and decrease birth weight of newborns

‘It’s a given that the health risks of consuming genetically modified soybeans are steeped in controversy. Many people are adamant that ingesting them leads to serious health consequences, while those in favor of such foods and the herbicides they’re sprayed with (mainly, the la-la-land folks at Monsanto) believe they’re safe.

However, as NaturalNews readers know, Monsanto and those who follow in their attempts to pull the wool over people’s eyes are only fooling themselves.

For example, the dangers of GM soybeans have once again been brought to light, this time in a study titled, “Genetically modified soybean in a goat diet: Influence on kid performance.” Published in Small Ruminant Research, the official journal of the International Goat Association, the study details how the DNA of otherwise healthy goats was altered and passed on to their kids when they were fed genetically modified soybeans. As a result, the kids were found to have a lower birth weight.’

Read more: GM soybeans transfer mutated DNA to milk and decrease birth weight of newborns

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