Greek Defense Scholar Says Nemtsov Murder Part of West’s Destabilization of Putin

Greek historian and security analyst Ilias Iliopoulos has joined Lyndon LaRouche and other Western specialists who are denouncing the murder of Russian oppositionist Boris Nemtsov, as part of the West’s destabilization of Russia, and its drive for regime-change against President Vladimir Putin.

In an interview with RIA Novosti published in Sputnik News yesterday, Iliapoulos was blunt:

“As an analyst in the field of international politics, I am struck by the fact that Washington, Brussels and the mass media they control has so quickly jumped to blame the leadership of the Russian government and President Putin personally for Nemtsov’s murder. [They did so] without any facts or serious studies. Logically-minded persons, and especially politicians and political analysts, understand that President Putin does not and could not have anything to do with the murder.”

He noted that, for the past 15 years, Nemtsov has been totally isolated for his ties, during the 1990s, with Yeltsin, Chubais, Chernomyrdn, and Berezovsky. “Surely nobody truly believes that President Putin, who saved Russia from disaster, who put the country back on her feet again, would need to even seriously worry about, much less consider the murder of a person who said that Crimea should be returned to Russia’s enemies.”

Iliopoulos specifically cited Nemtsov’s 2012 visit with Michael McFaul, the US Ambassador in Moswcow, whose real assignment was to coordinate the color revolution overthrow of Putin.

After expressing his growing concern over the provocations against Russia, Iliopoulos raised the vital question of cui bono. “It is clear that it is those forces in the West, which seek to inflict a political and psychological blow to Russian society and to cause an `orange revolution’ like the one in Maidan.”

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