Greenpeace Founder: Climate Change Is Actually Climate Hysteria

‘Greenpeace co-founder Dr. Patrick Moore continues to be a vocal skeptic of man-made climate change and has equated the movement with fomenting climate hysteria.

Moore, who exited Greenpeace after 15 years when “it lost its humanitarian perspective,” was formerly the head of an organization called Greenspirit Strategies, Moore is currently the chair and chief scientist of Ecosense Environmental in Vancouver, British Columbia, as well as the chair for Ecology, Energy, and Prosperity at the Frontier Center for Public Policy. He is also heading up an organization called Allow Golden Rice Now which seeks to cure vitamin A deficiency among kids in developing countries with GMO rice.

Environmentalists originally sounded the alarm about global cooling, then global warming, and now use an all-purpose climate change appellation. The Obama White House, which is pushing for various regulatory and policy initiatives to reduce greenhouse gas emissions, has adopted “climate disruption” as the new descriptor.’

Read more: Greenpeace Founder: Climate Change Is Actually Climate Hysteria

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