Heckled and jeered, PM faces ire of OAPs at rally: Shouts of ‘rubbish’, ‘lies’ and ‘answer the question’ as he tries to convince them to vote Tory

‘David Cameron was heckled and mocked by an audience of elderly voters he was hoping to convince to vote for the Conservatives.

Pensioners shouted ‘rubbish’, ‘lies’, and ‘answer the question’ – and one waved his walking stick at the Prime Minister – as he was challenged about spending on social care and agency workers employed by the NHS.

Mr Cameron had given a speech outlining his commitment to annual rises in the state pension, protecting the health budget and entitlements to free TV licences and bus passes.’

Read more: Heckled and jeered, PM faces ire of OAPs at rally: Shouts of 'rubbish', 'lies' and 'answer the question' as he tries to convince them to vote Tory

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