How Hillary Clinton Exposed Her Emails To Foreign Spies … In Order To Hide Them From The American Public

So the whole Hillary Clinton email story is getting worse and worse for Clinton. We already noted that there was no way she couldn’t have known that she had to use government email systems for government work, as there was a big scandal from the previous administration using private emails and within the early Obama administration as well.

This morning we discovered that Clinton also gave email addresses to staffers, which undermines the argument made by Hillary’s spokesperson that it was okay for her to use her own email address because any emails with staffers would still be archived by the State Department thanks to their use of emails. But that’s clearly not the case when she’s just emailing others with the private email addresses.

As we noted yesterday, there are two separate key issues here, neither of which look good for Clinton. First, is the security question. There’s no question at all that as Secretary of State she dealt with all sorts of important, confidential and classified information.’

Read more: How Hillary Clinton Exposed Her Emails To Foreign Spies … In Order To Hide Them From The American Public

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