Iraqis Have Evidence U.S. Arms Islamic State Terrorists

‘Qasim al-Araji, the head of the Badr Organization in Iraq, told parliament on Thursday he has evidence the U.S. is arming the Islamic Army, according to a report carried by the Arabic language Almasalah.

The Badr Organization was previously known as the Badr Brigades, the military wing of the Iran-based Shia Islamic party, Supreme Council for Islamic Revolution in Iraq.

Iranian media and other sources have claimed on at least two occasions U.S. military aircraft dropped weapons in areas held by the Islamic State.

“The Iraqi intelligence sources reiterated that the US military planes have airdropped several aid cargoes for ISIL terrorists to help them resist the siege laid by the Iraqi army, security and popular forces,” Iraqi intelligence claimed in December.’

Read more: Iraqis Have Evidence U.S. Arms Islamic State Terrorists

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