Is mass over-vaccination causing polio-like paralysis in children?

‘”The specific causes of this illness are still under investigation,” says the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention about the rise of a so-called “mystery” disease that currently available evidence suggests may be caused by vaccines.

The media is referring to it as polio-like paralysis, a condition marked by nearly all the same symptoms as actual polio. But nobody is willing to actually call it polio because, according to the official story, polio has already been eradicated by vaccines.

So what’s causing polio-like paralysis? Nobody knows, apparently. But a growing number of children are developing it, much to the chagrin of health authorities who are struggling to come up with an explanation for why children who should have been protected by vaccines are unable to move their limbs or walk.’

Read more: Is mass over-vaccination causing polio-like paralysis in children?

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