Jeb Bush Is a Wall Street Bubble

Jeb Bush is “struggling” to distance himself from Wall Street — and from other Republican nominees — says an article in the March 27 Politico, but for some reason he’s having trouble doing so. So far, Bush’s (still unofficial) campaign looks a lot like those of his brother and father, with a heavy dose of Wall Street, and not much to distinguish itself beyond that. This doesn’t bode well for Jeb, says author Ben White, as the Bush tries to craft a position which is both separate from, but not anti-Wall Street.

Fox News is reported Monday that Wall Street money is going “all in” for Bush, and that other candidates, even the once “odds-on” favorite Chris Christie, are being “squeezed out” of the megabank-megamoney arena. Both Bush and Christie will be in Texas on April 1st, for example; Bush at a $100,000 per plate fundraiser in Houston; Christie “scrounging for what’s left over” in Dallas. It is elsewhere noted that the would-be “Bush of the people” held a $100,000 per plate event in New York City last month, targeting Wall Street CEOs.

Right now, directing the formation of Bush’s “policy team” is Bill Simon, former CEO of the Depression-era profiteer Walmart. Two other key advisors are much more closely identified with Wall Street: Jim Donovan is a “managing director” at Goldman Sachs, who was “formerly in charge of Goldman’s relations with Bain Capital”; Justin Muzinich, “helping pull together the policy team,” is “a former Morgan Stanley executive who got his career start under Donovan.” They’ve been the first three top coordinators hired by Jeb’s campaign vehicle, the so-called “Right To Rise PAC.”

Reached for comment today, EIR Founding Editor Lyndon LaRouche observed that “Jeb Bush will go bankrupt and Wall Street will lose their money.” Another example of toxic waste issued by the big banks.

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