LaRouche: Our Policy is Glass-Steagall and an Alliance with the BRICS

In the new situation created by a leading Presidential pre-candidate campaigning on Glass-Steagall policy against Wall Street, Lyndon LaRouche said in webcast with the LaRouche PAC Policy Committee discussion on Monday that

“He [O’Malley] got this policy from me, and I’m going to back it up!… WE have to tell THE WORLD that this — Glass-Steagall and alliance with the BRICS — is the policy.”

LaRouchePAC interventions are setting out the next steps. In Boston, LPAC’s Bill Ferguson intervened in a meeting of 300 people at the U.S. Conference of Mayors. The mayors present were complaining about the miserable state of the economy — New York’s Bill DeBlasio, for example, said that a shocking 46% of New Yorkers were below or near the official poverty line — but they were not attacking the problem: Wall Street. Ferguson said, “Forget Wall Street and support the return to Glass-Steagall banking separation … as stated in U.S. H.R.381 and called for by Martin O’Malley—former Maryland Governor, former Mayor of Baltimore,”
also calling on the audience to support this. Following a brief, though audible hush which swept across the audience, Boston Mayor Marty Walsh responded to Ferguson, “We’ll be taking that up tomorrow.” A number of the mayors present then made sure that they got packets from Ferguson: BRICS pamphlets, and LaRouche’s statements on “The Subject of Germany’s Role,” and “Three World Leaders.”

In Iowa, LaRouchePAC representative Bob Baker spoke to large formal and smaller informal meetings of O’Malley campaigning, addressed meetings of agriculture organizations, and organized meetings of LPAC activists around the state, mobilizing forces for Glass-Steagall and creating an environment both around O’Malley’s events, and in the state where other Presidential candidates will be spending time.

Bloomberg news carried an article March 23, “Martin O’Malley Wants To Be the Glass-Steagall Candidate,” and Fox News followed suit: “O’Malley Campaigns Against Wall Street.” A political insider note appeared in the New York Post March 23, “Democrats Favor O’Malley for President If Hillary Doesn’t Run.” Based on statements from a prominent New York Democrat who is not named, the article says, “Former Maryland Gov. Martin O’Malley will be the choice of New York Democrats for President if Hillary Clinton is forced out of the race, a prominent Democrat has told The Post. The well-known New York Democrat also said that Clinton’s email scandal had ‘knocked her off her pedestal.’

“‘O’Malley is the one who I think is going to emerge as the front-runner if Hillary is forced out,’ said the Democrat, a strong Clinton backer whose views carry considerable weight with party members. ‘I really think he’s the front-runner.'”

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