LaRouche: The Reference Point Is Jeanne d’Arc, Cusa & Kepler
In discussion with colleagues on Sunday, Lyndon LaRouche emphasized that the only way you can understand history now and set policy for the future is to start from the reference point of Jeanne d’Arc, and the Renaissance effected in response to her dedication to truth by Nicolaus of Cusa and his successor Johannes Kepler.
The American Revolution, the U.S. Constitution, and Hamilton’s American System of economics are all a product of that profound transformation of human life, human mental life, initiated by Jeanne d’Arc.
The only way that the world can be saved today is by going back to that Renaissance and completing the mission begun by Jeanne d’Arc.
If you don’t understand the principle of Kepler, you don’t know anything about how the human mind works. It is not a matter of reforming the existing system or making a substitution within that system, you have to make something new. And to do that you have to go back fully to the mental basis of Kepler.
As Lyndon LaRouche stated on Saturday, March 8, very few people in the United States know this history and this principle.
In this context, LaRouche identified the actual problem in Washington, D.C., and why it is that most Congressmen are so corrupt and cowardly.
The very meaning of the existence of our Constitution is based on the Jeanne d’Arc precedent. That’s the American Constitution! That’s the true Constitution of the United States. And that’s the thing that people ought to pay more attention to, urgently. Because they don’t know what the meaning of human life is. They don’t know what the purpose of human life is, unless they understand what flows from the story of Jeanne d’Arc.”
As LaRouche pointed out: “Another way of expressing it, the Jeanne d’Arc story; which is not the Jeanne d’Arc story. It’s a particular moment in history which has a completion. It’s the American Revolution, really, the same thing.”
Earlier LaRouche had referred to the incompleteness of her role in history. It is that incompleteness which must define our mission today.
Our mission is to complete the incompleteness of Jeanne d’Arc’s mission. This is the mission, as LaRouche stated, “which is implicitly given to us, by examples such as Jeanne d’Arc.”
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