Let’s Stop Living In Fairy Land: ‘This Is Training To Condition The Public To Accept Military On The Streets’

‘The United States military, law enforcement, and intelligence agencies are planning a two-months long exercise later this year. The government claims this is an effort to protect the American people, but Alex Jones has a different take.

In the following video Jones provides extensive documentation sourced over the last twenty years. The evidence is clear… and frightening.

The exercises taking place this summer in states like Texas, Utah and California are designed not for the protection of Americans, but rather, the intimidation of an entire nation. Members of the military and law enforcement are being desensitized to deployments on U.S. soil and the public is being conditioned to accept soldiers on every street corner as normal.

Sounds like a conspiracy, right?

The real conspiracy is the story we’re being told by “official” sources.’

Read more: Let’s Stop Living In Fairy Land: 'This Is Training To Condition The Public To Accept Military On The Streets'

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