McDonald’s in global profit free fall as people everywhere increasingly reject chemically-altered toxic fast food

‘For decades, McDonald’s has been the poster child of chemically-altered factory-made fast food. While preying on the emotional imprinting of children with on-site playgrounds and social engineering marketing tactics, the restaurant’s true fundamental ethics are reflected in the horrors of the factory food industry: imprisoned chickens in tiny cages, genetically modified soy as meat fillers, chemically-altered menu ingredients and a geopolitical form of processed food imperialism that has resulted in McDonald’s restaurants “occupying” hundreds of nations around the world while exporting obesity, diabetes and heart disease globally.

Slowly but surely, the public has increasingly caught on to the McDonald’s sleight-of-food stage magic. Feel-good advertising can’t cover up the truth about its inhumane treatment of animals, genetically modified food ingredients and insidious social programming that tries to equate the restaurant with an emotional state of bliss. “Happy Meal…” seriously? I doubt the chickens who were slaughtered for that meal were very happy…’

Read more: McDonald's in global profit free fall as people everywhere increasingly reject chemically-altered toxic fast food

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