More Americans wising up to who benefits from Obamanomics

According to a new Pew Research Center Poll, 66% of Americans believe that President’s Obama’s polices have benefited the rich, not the middle-class (H/T: The Daily Caller):

Sixty-six percent of Pew’s 1,504 respondents say “government economic policies since the recession have helped” wealthy people a “great deal” or a “fair amount.” Only 29 percent said the wealthy were helped “not too much/not at all.”

In contrast, only 26 percent of respondents said middle-class people were helped a great deal or a fair amount.

Seven-two percent of respondents said the middle-class people were helped “not too much/not at all,” according to the Pew survey, which was released March 4.

Thirty-two percent said poor people were helped, while 65 percent said they were not helped.

There’s plenty of outside data to support the sour view. The median household income in January 2015 was $54,332, which is 3.9 percent lower than January 2000, 15 years prior, according to a March 4 report by Sentier Research.

The median number is the mid-point in the income scale. Half of the people earned above the number, and half earned below that number.

Campaign for Liberty continues to oppose all policies that manipulate the market to benefit the elites at the expense of average Americans, such as Obamacare and the Export-Import Bank. We also continue to work to expose how the Federal Reserve acts to benefit big-spending politicians, big banks, and politically-connected Wall Street firms by Auditing the Fed.

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