Never Air-Butter Your Bread

Dining in a social setting can be one of life’s finest pleasures, where the wine flows as freely as the conversation.

However, certain foods can leave you on a collision course with culinary faux pas where, at best, you’re left feeling awkward and, at worst, said dish ends up covering you or your companions.

Just ask Ed Miliband, who probably never wants to see a bacon sandwich again after photos of the Labour leader doing battle with a particularly gristly rasher were widely ridiculed.

With an election on the way and plenty of opportunities for the nation’s politicians to make fools of themselves eating in public, William Hanson, a leading expert and consultant in etiquette and protocol tells FEMAIL everything you need to know about how to eat some of the trickiest foods without rendering yourself a culinary fool.

William says: ‘Nothing can put one off a fellow dining companion more than seeing them messily tackle what’s on their plate.

‘We now see politicians, TV masterchefs and competing dinner guests badly eat their victuals so perhaps now, if it is not too late, I give them (and you) my guide on how to best tuck in to some of the trickiest foods to tackle.’


If served as a first course, rather than an accompaniment vegetable, these are eaten with the hands and dipped into the hollandaise sauce.

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