Oxford whistleblower’s attempt to protect young victim of a sadistic gang went unheeded

‘A council whistleblower silenced by managers after raising the alarm about child sexual abuse in Oxfordshire has told how he believes senior staff must have known what was going on.

Dermot Norridge has been revealed as the retired police officer who detailed his concerns in a string of emails about one of six child victims targeted by sadistic gang members, six years before some of them were eventually jailed.

Despite alerting senior child protection staff, Mr Norridge was accused of being unprofessional and ordered to stop sending the emails. His unheeded warnings were revealed earlier this week in a serious case review of the catastrophic failings of Oxfordshire police and social services that allowed an estimated 370 girls to be sexually exploited.’

Read more: Oxford whistleblower's attempt to protect young victim of a sadistic gang went unheeded

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