Senator Kathy Campbell Sponsors ObamaCare Bill… AGAIN

Last week, the Health and Human Services Committee advanced LB472, the Medicaid Redesign Act, which would expand ObamaCare in Nebraska.

That’s right – the legislature is considering shoving ObamaCare’s Medicaid expansion down the throats of Nebraska citizens. . . AGAIN.

And just like last year, Republican Senator Kathy Campbell is the primary sponsor.

Senator Campbell can’t seem to take “NO” for an answer!

In addition to expanding ObamaCare, this year’s bill also creates yet another “task force” to “study” how to cut Medicaid costs.

Why would you expand Medicaid and THEN study how to cut the costs?

The truth is, ObamaCare expansion is a wildly expensive taxpayer-funded program that Nebraska citizens cannot afford.

Contact Senator Kathy Campbell at 402-471-2731 or and tell her “NO means NO!” Tell her you don’t want ObamaCare expansion in Nebraska and demand she withdraw LB472.

Then, contact your own State Senator and tell him or her to actively oppose and vote “NO” on LB472, the Medicaid Redesign Act.

If Nebraska accepts this rotten scheme, state Medicaid obligations could double by the year 2018.

You see, ObamaCare attempts to lure states into expanding their Medicaid programs by promising to pay certain associated costs for a couple of years.

But Nebraska will be expected to spend millions of dollars for all of the new associated administrative costs from the moment the state expands the optional program.

And as if that’s not bad enough, the federal government will soon significantly reduce the reimbursement rate, leaving the state with the obligation to dole out an even greater portion of the tab.

Medicaid already covers more than 240,000 Nebraskans at a cost of more than $1.8 billion annually.

And Nebraska is over $13.3 billion in debt!

Why would State Senator Kathy Campbell want to pile even more debt on top of the citizens of Nebraska by expanding an OPTIONAL piece of ObamaCare?

Is Senator Campbell so determined to get all that “free” federal money she’s willing to completely ignore that expanding Medicaid will severely increase the costs paid by Nebraska taxpayers?

The truth is, even if Obama keeps his promise to pay for certain parts of the program for a year or two, YOU are still footing the bill.

Please contact Senator Kathy Campbell at 402-471-2731 or and tell her “NO means NO!” Tell her you don’t want ObamaCare expansion in Nebraska and demand she withdraw LB472.

Then, contact your own State Senator and tell him or her to actively oppose and vote “NO” on LB472, the Medicaid Redesign Act.

Expanding Medicaid entitlements is wrong for Nebraska.

States that have opted to expand their Medicaid programs under ObamaCare are millions of dollars – and in some cases billions of dollars – over budget.

In fact, John Kasich’s ObamaCare expansion program in Ohio is 30% over budget already, with months to go before the end of the fiscal year.

And the Kasich Administration is taking funds from their pre-expansion program that covers the truly needy – such as elderly and disabled people – and using those funds for the optional expansion that covers ABLE-BODIED individuals!

That can’t be allowed to happen in Nebraska.

This bill simply must be stopped.

Be sure to contact Senator Kathy Campbell at 402-471-2731 or and tell her “NO means NO!” Tell her you don’t want ObamaCare expansion in Nebraska and demand she withdraw LB472.

Then, contact your own State Senator and tell him or her to actively oppose and vote “NO” on LB472, the Medicaid Redesign Act.

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