SWAT Team Shows Up To Elementary School to Promote Police State USA

The officers weren’t there to raid the school or arrest anyone, but they certainly looked like they were going to so. The SWAT officers were all carrying high-powered weapons and wearing paramilitary gear as if they were about to raid a terrorist organization.

The police proudly bragged about the event on their Facebook page, posting a number of pictures with fully-clad SWAT members standing on a stage in front of small children.

The police say that they were there to “educate” the children, but were these theatrics truly necessary for a career day at an elementary school?

One of the comments on the facebook post by Arlington police summed up the entire premise of such a display:

“Showing up to schools with assault rifles and riot gear. This is very telling of what a police state looks like. Indoctrinating kids and normalizing them to this police state garbage. Good job, Arlington PD.” says Chris Voluntaryist.’

Read more: SWAT Team Shows Up To Elementary School to Promote Police State USA

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