The Tax Justice Network Podcast (March 2015)

Democracy for sale: how our politics are heavily reliant on tax haven-friendly donors. Also, we ask: why is HSBC shutting down offshore accounts in Jersey? Are we in the final few years of the corporate income tax? Is Australia’s exempting of big companies from new transparency rules a joke? Plus more scandal and analysis you won’t find anywhere else.

“We were not sent here to run this country for a handful of wealthy individuals and powerful corporations, we were sent here to make this country work for all our people.”

Senator Elizabeth Warren addressing Congress

Featuring: John Christensen of the Tax Justice Network, Rebecca Wilkins of the Financial Accountability and Corporate Transparency Coalition, Nick Mathiason and Melanie Newman of the Bureau of Investigative Journalism, Donnachadh McCarthy author of The Prostitute State: How Britain’s Democracy Has Been Bought, Labour MP and UK opposition leader Ed Miliband, British PM David Cameron, US Senator Elizabeth Warren.

Produced by @Naomi_Fowler for the Tax Justice Network

All previous Taxcasts can be found here and here

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