Thomas Massie Introduces Bill to Repeal Patriot Act

Yesterday Congressman Thomas Massie (R-KY) introduced the Surveillance State Repeal Act (H.R. 1466). According to Massie’s office:

The Surveillance State Repeal Act, H.R. 1466, offers a complete repeal of the 2001 PATRIOT Act, which the NSA has cited as the legal basis for its phone metadata harvesting surveillance program. Additionally, the bill repeals the FISA Amendments Act, which contains provisions for email data harvesting. H.R 1466 also makes retaliation against federal national security whistleblowers illegal and ensures any FISA collection against a U.S. person takes place only pursuant to a valid warrant based on probable cause.

Campaign for Liberty stands with Congressman Massie in his attempt to repeal the misnamed “Patriot Act.” C4L members should contact their representatives and ask them to cosponsor H.R. 1466.

Read Massie’s press release here.


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