Watch, Laugh, then Cry – Netanyahu Choreographs a Humiliated Congress — John V. Walsh

Watch, Laugh, then Cry – Netanyahu Choreographs a Humiliated Congress.

John V. Walsh

This video should go viral. It is from the Israeli media.
Watch, laugh – and cry.,7340,L-4633404,00.html

(If you have trouble seeing it, note the following. First the picture on page one is also a video.  You have to click on it after it loads which takes a few seconds.
Then be sure the sound is on.  There is an English sound track.
AND finally there is a 20 second commercial with no English that precedes the great video itself – at least when I open it on my computer. I do not know how to skip it.  
These features are all familiar to us, but without the English it might be confusing.)

Now let’s be serious.
First, the Congress is completely humiliated, dancing to the tune of Netanyahu who is the representative of a foreign power. That humiliation extends to every American who cast a vote, expecting the Congresspeople to represent the voters, the American voters – not the Israeli ones.
Second, there is a sentiment found in “progressive” circles that the US is the boss in the U.S. Israeli power dance. Their vulgar “theory” of imperialism tells them that. If this bit of humiliation does not wake them up, who knows what will. Empires are full of examples of the “lesser” ally pulling the strings to make the greater one dance. And Israel with its well funded operation that extends from AIPAC to many Temples and fundamentalist evangelical churches provides a super charged example of this kind of operation to subvert sovereignty.
Finally, Obama is not to be lionized in this encounter either. He is not trying to make peace of sorts with Iran for noble purposes. He and others like Brzezinski want to get the Israeli albatross cut loose from their necks; they want out of the Mideast quagmire which makes the populace war weary and takes up resources. Obama wants those resources freed up to take down Russia and China. And that is even more dangerous than the involvement in the Middle East since that can lead to World War III. The need for a solid and massive anti-interventionist of the Ron Paul type is desperately needed.
So watch, laugh and cry.

John V. Walsh can be reached at He thanks an Israeli expat friend for sending the video his way. (The two couch potatoes in the video are far Right ministers in the Israeli government and settlers in the criminally and illegally occupied territories.)

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