With the World Ridiculing Obama, It’s Time to Dump Him and the Whole Bush League

In what can only be described as a perfect irony, President Barack Obama spent the weekend playing golf in Florida with the director of Halliburton and the owner of the Houston Astros, further exposing his true Bush League pedigree. The entire world is ridiculing Obama, for his efforts to sabotage the AIIB, and for waging war against the new paradigm on behalf of Wall Street and London. Isn’t it time for all sane Americans to rally to oust this treacherous character from the White House?

Obama is guilty of many more crimes against the Constitution than are required for his removal. Anyone arguing that it is “not practical” to dump Obama is living in a fantasy world, ignoring the fact that the last desperate option, for the bankrupt British Empire, is to launch wars and chaos all across Eurasia. Over the weekend the Royal Air Force conducted the biggest maneuvers in 13 years, directed against Russian possible air incursions. NATO is moving weapons and personnel closer to the Russian border, in defiance of all post-Cold War agreements, as well as persistent Russian warnings, the most recent of which were delivered by President Putin, himself, last week, in an address before the directors of Russia’s federal security service, FSB, that Russia will not capitulate to NATO blackmail.

Without Obama in the White House, the British have no credible capacity to even bluff Russia and China. So long as Obama remains in office, the danger of general war—including war of thermonuclear extinction—remains far too real to tolerate.

This message—that London and Wall Street must be crushed, and that removing Obama from office is the unavoidable first step—was delivered loud and clear by Schiller Institute President Helga Zepp-LaRouche in a powerful address before a Schiller Institute event in Manhattan on Saturday afternoon. After detailing the Wall Street desperation to prevent the reinstating of Glass-Steagall through extortion, and the grave danger of general war, Helga Zepp-LaRouche developed the ontological foundations of the fight, by detailing the role of Cardinal Nicholas of Cusa, in launching the 15th Century Renaissance and launching the concept of the modern nation-state system.

The actions being taken by China’s President Xi Jinping, in coordination with Russian President Vladimir Putin and the other BRICS heads of state, to create a new global paradigm of development—and a new level of cooperation among sovereign nation states—are the seeds of a vitally needed New Renaissance.

Over the next 48 hours, leaders of more than 40 nations will be gathering in Kazakhstan, to launch the Asian Infrastructure Investment Bank (AIIB). Many participated in the just-concluded Boao Forum in China, at which President Xi Jinping beautifully spelled out the new vision of cooperation among all of the nations of Eurasia and beyond, and where the Chinese government issued an official report titled, “Vision and Actions on Jointly Building the Silk Road Economic Belt and 21st Century Maritime Silk Road.”

At the same time that these profound developments were occurring, the Anglo-Saudi forces of Empire were escalating the spreading of war and chaos across the Persian Gulf region. At a meeting of the Arab League, Saudi Arabia blackmailed, bribed, and cajoled the Arab states to commit to a new war—in Yemen—which targets Iran, as the alleged mastermind behind the Houthi takeover of the country.

Whether it is the continuing provocations against Russia in Ukraine, or the spreading of mass death and chaos throughout Southwest Asia, the objective of the British Empire crowd is to bring the world to the brink of general war, and to create choke points along the New Silk Road route to sabotage the new paradigm of global cooperation. At the Sharm el-Sheikh Arab League meeting, Egyptian President al-Sissi caused a total freakout on the part of Saudi Foreign Minister Saud al-Faisal, by reading the full text of a letter from Russian President Putin, urging the Arab states to pursue a path of diplomacy under international law—as the only genuine way to defeat the scourge of terrorism.

The entire global situation is reaching a point where the system of empire—centered in the City of London/Wall Street apparatus—and the new BRICS/AIIB paradigm cannot possibly co-exist.

Circulate the petition: The U.S. & Europe Should Join the BRICS

By taking on Obama, and simultaneously wiping out the last vestiges of the Bush legacy of treason against the Republic, dating back to grandfather Prescott Bush’s bankrolling of Adolf Hitler, the United States can be freed to return to the historic mission of the U.S. presidency. By dumping Obama and the Bush League, and reinstating Glass-Steagall, the United States—as Helga Zepp-LaRouche emphasized on Saturday in Manhattan—can join in the worldwide movement of the BRICS/AIIB and launch a new Renaissance for all of mankind.

Nothing else is “practical,” because nothing less will ensure the survival and prosperity of mankind.

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