Wolf in Sheep’s Clothing: ‘Do-Good’ Website AVAAZ Calls for No-Fly Zone in Syria

‘They say that ‘the road to tyranny is paved with good intentions’. That old adage couldn’t be more true today, despite all of our seemingly wonderful internet tools and ‘activist’ platforms online.

Despite the lessons of the past, it appears that mainstream followers of ‘social justice’ petitioning website Avaaz are still easily hoodwinked – unaware of how these social media tools are being used by the US State Department and other quangos in order to lay the PR groundwork for military interventions. Their latest call for a “humanitarian intervention” in Syria through the establishment of a ‘No Fly Zone’ appears to be a repeat – as they pushed the identical “saving lives” scam on behalf of NATO back in 2011 with Libya.’

Read more: Wolf in Sheep’s Clothing: ‘Do-Good’ Website AVAAZ Calls for No-Fly Zone in Syria

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