Activist Warns About Climate Change Treaties And Legislation Planned For December 2015

‘It is vital to understand the season of our activism. Climate change related treaties scheduled to be enacted this December will most likely include the global legalization of geoengineering programs. Why is this particular development so critical to our movement? As follows:

As many are aware, geoengineeing is the deliberate large-scale modification of the Earth’s climate. It changes climate patterns and our planet’s weather everywhere. Because geoengineering changes our climate’s temperature, disrupts the natural weather events and causes a series of other events that mimic the consequences of climate change, we feel strongly that geoengineering must be stopped in order to proceed with any climate talks, treaties and climate change legislation and mandates.

Because geoengineering has, to date, not been included in climate models and therefore makes it impossible to determine whether the planet is warming, we therefore demand that the ongoing global geoengineering programs be stopped before any more climate change talks, legislation and mandates are enacted.’

Read more: Activist Warns About Climate Change Treaties And Legislation Planned For December 2015

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