‘Al-Qaeda Linked Rebels’ Are Al-Qaeda

‘Since the beginning of the Western-backed foreign invasion of jihadist terrorists into Syria in late 2010, the American and Western mainstream media has attempted to present the death squad fighters on the ground as two-sided – one group being Islamist extremists and the other being “moderate rebels.”

As I have documented extensively, this characterization is entirely inaccurate as there is no such thing as a moderate rebel in Syria. Still, this information has not stopped major media outlets from producing presentations in stark contrast to the facts.

In recent months, however, as more and more evidence surfaces proving the official narrative of the existence of “moderate rebels” to be false, the corporate media outlets have taken to yet more propaganda-based name-changes and distortion surrounding the proxy forces fighting on the ground inside Syria.

For instance, al-Nusra Front forces are now being referred to as “Al-Qaeda-linked” fighters and being painted as if they are a mixture of moderate agents who are also willing to work with anyone that has similar objectives as themselves, even al-Qaeda.’

Read more: 'Al-Qaeda Linked Rebels' Are Al-Qaeda

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