Cameron’s EU deceit is staring us in the face – and we still miss it

‘This is what the Prime Minister has done with his supposed promise to hold a referendum on British membership of the European Union.

The dishonest trick at the heart of the offer is so blazingly obvious that nobody notices it.

Let me explain. If Mr Cameron really believed that he would win a parliamentary majority on May 7, he would not make this promise.

He loves the EU so much that he has said that he wants to extend it to the Ural mountains. He absolutely does not want this country to leave it.

But because Mr Cameron knows perfectly well that he will not win such a majority, and that no possible coalition partner or ally would support such a referendum, he feels safe to make a pledge that will never be redeemed.’

Read more: Cameron's EU deceit is staring us in the face – and we still miss it

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