Iraqi Militiamen Plan To Travel To Yemen To Battle U.S.-Backed Coalition

‘Iran-backed Shiite militiamen in Iraq say they’re ready to take up arms in a country most of them have never been to: Yemen.

“We defeated ISIS in Syria, we’re defeating ISIS in Iraq, and we’ll defeat them in Yemen,” Abu Kumael, a volunteer fighter with the powerful Iran-supported Shiite militia known as the Peace Brigades, told The WorldPost Monday. “We’re not just talking. We’re physically ready to go and fight.”

In Iraq, the militias are working on the same side as U.S. forces against the self-declared Islamic State. But once the militiamen get to Yemen, they’ll be fighting not for the U.S., but against the Americans — which means that the U.S. will be battling the same forces, and in some cases the very same men, that ISIS is taking on in Iraq.’

Read more: Iraqi Militiamen Plan To Travel To Yemen To Battle U.S.-Backed Coalition

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