It’s Election Season. Do You Know Where the Candidates Stand?

Are you tired of not knowing where candidates really stand on critical liberty issues?

Campaign season is upon us, and we’ve all heard the political rhetoric that comes with it.

Many of our legislators have gotten comfortable spewing pithy talking points and safely winning re-election year after year.

They count on you to forget their voting records and put party “loyalty” over principle, while expecting that you will give them your vote without question – if you vote at all.

“Party over principle” and voter apathy have led to loss of liberty, and it’s time to put an end to this destructive cycle.

But how do we go about interrupting this cycle?

We must force candidates out of their comfort zones by demanding real answers to important liberty questions rather than letting politicians parrot meaningless talking points.

We must learn where candidates stand on important issues so we are prepared for the legislative season.

And we must open the lines of communication between you and your would-be lawmakers now so they will be expecting you to keep a watchful eye on them later.

That is why Virginia Campaign for Liberty is working on a Candidate Survey Program. Each candidate for the state legislature will soon be receiving a survey of seven important questions – questions that will put candidates on the record on liberty issues.

Candidates will be asked where they stand on:

  • Constitutional Carry
  • ObamaCare nullification
  • Repeal of the transportation tax
  • Red light cameras
  • Indefinite detention
  • Recorded votes
  • Tax and fee increases

As we work toward liberty, it is imperative to have current and potential legislators on record concerning constitutional issues.

Many candidates will not want to go on record with their position on issues that are important to you.  They would prefer to stick to their tired talking points, and they will ignore our survey unless you – their potential constituents – provide a little inspiration.

If candidates can’t answer basic liberty questions, they certainly can’t be trusted to vote correctly if elected.

Please call or visit your State House and Senate candidates and ask that they complete and submit answers to the Campaign for Liberty survey that will soon be in their mailboxes.

Click here to find the list of candidates who have filed.

Results will be posted at soon.

Politicians prefer to travel the path of least resistance.  By applying enough pressure, we can force them to go on the record on key liberty issues.

***Campaign for Liberty does not support, endorse, or oppose candidates for office.  The goal of the Campaign for Liberty survey is only for keeping candidates true to their word should they be elected.  It should not be construed as an endorsement of any candidate.***

***You are encouraged to research each of your candidates to make an informed decision on their positions.***

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