LPAC Team in Sacramento, Promoting Science Approach for California Water; Clash with ‘Climate Police’ for De-Population

This week a LaRouchePAC team was in Sacramento April 8-9, to circulate LPAC statements putting forth a science approach to the Western water crisis (“New Perspectives on the Western Water Crisis,” Benjamin Deniston), getting it out to some 20 legislative offices, key water figures, and to participants at a meeting of the Association of California Water Agencies. In the course of discussions, one state legislative functionary “went ape” at the point organizers put forward that, no reduction in carbon dioxide was going to make it rain. The problem is not man-made global warming; droughts have been happening for millions of years. The state official called the police!

This is an instance of “climate police.” It is clear that anyone sane, wants to know how we can supply more water in this crisis. To override that by sticking to green fraud and cult belief, means you are stupid, clinically insane, both, and/or also scared as hell that masses of people are now going to be demanding real science, not the crap you have been programmed to peddle. To insist that cutting carbon and economic activity, and using less water are solutions to water scarcity, means you are the “climate police” for de-population.

The specifics of the clash are: On April 8, Michael Steger, LaRouchePAC National Policy Committee member, and associates, briefed Dennis E. O’Connor, the top Democratic Party consultant dealing with the water crisis, for the California Senate Committee for Water and Natural Resources. At first, Mr. O’Connor took in Steger’s points about how Governor Jerry Brown’s policies are a failure, and instead, a real commitment must be made to provide water to the population, or nothing will work. But when Steger got into what the scope and premises are for a scientific approach, Mr. O’Connor, suddenly standing up, said, Steger must leave immediately, or the police would be called. When Steger asked him, if O’Connor acknowledged that droughts had occurred in the Southwest for 10 million years, O’Connor fired back, that he was being harassed, and proceeded to call the police. The LPAC team left the man in his frenzy.

In contrast, many others in the capital, especially lawmakers from the parched Central Valley farming region, were very open to the LPAC science approach. The next day, LaRouchePAC circulated a statement, “Brown Out, Science In; California Must Lead the Nation in Scientific Recovery,” by Michael Steger.

Farm Bureau Blasts Green Fraud

At the event sponsored by the Association of California Water Agencies, Steger reports that there were a few “bright spots” among the 15+ speakers, despite most of them simply describing the terrible water scarcity, then discussing ways to obey Gov. Brownshirt’s mandatory usage cuts.

California Farm Bureau spokesman Paul Wenger, spoke out strongly against the immorality of playing off urban water users against farm water users, and in fact, said that 7 billion people in the world need food; and everyone needs water. Wenger said that in his meeting with Gov. Brown April 8, Wenger ridiculed Brown’s statement that we humans have an ‘artificial life-style,’ but in the end, ‘nature rules.’ Wenger said, the World War II generation would never have accepted that idea. They built everything that we have lived off of, and now we are supposed to tell the next generation they can’t have anything?

Wenger described the desperation among farmers. One man is literally mortgaging everything he possesses, to save his trees for one more year. If he isn’t successful, he is bankrupt.

Wenger took the “other glove off” in post-event remarks to the media. He scored the environmentalists. He said he told Gov. Brown at their meeting, that noone is representing the poor in the cities, who can’t afford food nor water. Saying that environmentalist concerns have gone too far, Wnger referred to Indira Gandhi, i.e. when she replied to demands by the greenies to stop using DDT, by saying, “I have 750,000 cases of encephalitis every year; what do I care about a bird’s egg?’ (Wenger’s paraphrase).

Brownshirt Governor in Nevada

Also this week, Nevada Gov. Brian Sandoval (R) came out as a Brownshirt, issuing an executive order to cut water usage in the state. On April 8, he signed the directive, while standing on the bottom of Lake Washoe, now dry. The order gives no mandatory amount to cut, but sets up a panel to do so, the Nevada Drought Forum. Alongside Sandoval was the general manager, John Entsminger, of the SNWA (Southern Nevada Water Authority), which Sandoval praised for having cut water consumption in its district by 40% over the last 15 years!


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