National Geographic’s corporate-corrupted war on REALITY: how a once-upstanding mag now betrays humanity to push toxic poisons of advertisers

‘The cover of this month’s National Geographic magazine is causing some major controversy among the cognitively aware, as this once-upstanding and generally unbiased nature periodical has quite obviously fallen headlong into the clutches of corporate-controlled propaganda and lies.

Outlining what it says are some of the basic tenets of “The War on Science,” National Geographic likens having concerns about the safety of vaccines, fluoride, and genetically-modified organisms (GMOs) to believing that the moon landings were faked, or that the earth was made flat by Jenny McCarthy, or something (because science!).

Each of the following beliefs is presented on the National Geographic cover as being some kind of hare-brained conspiracy theory that threatens the continued advancement of modern civilization:’

Read more: National Geographic's corporate-corrupted war on REALITY: how a once-upstanding mag now betrays humanity to push toxic poisons of advertisers

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