NeoNazis, Blackwater in Ukraine and US State-Funded ‘Independent’ Media

‘There are some war hawks embedded in government, media and in high-flying (Rockefeller-funded) think tanks who are at pain to accept the reality that the US and the British governments no longer have a monopoly on global information, opinion and analysis.

Foreign Policy Magazine, mouthpiece for the Council on Foreign Relations (a Bilderberg regional working group) based in New York City, calls itself, “A magazine of global politics, economics and ideas.” It does publish some very funny ideas indeed. Many of its lauded contributors and members seem to be obsessed with all-things-Russia, and regularly accuse anyone whose opinion or analysis differs from the CFR party line as “Russia agents.”

This obsession is another more than a convenient excuse to ignore a groundswell of world opinion which has already rejected the rogue, neocolonial, privatized nation-building exploits of the Anglo-American Empire in the 21st century.’

Read more: NeoNazis, Blackwater in Ukraine and US State-Funded ‘Independent’ Media

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