Nursing College Instructor Told Students to THREATEN Patients Into Vaccinations

‘A Shiawassee County Michigan woman is suing Baker College after she claims that she was kicked out of the school’s nursing program because she questioned lessons she claims encouraged students to lie to their patients in order to get them vaccinated.

Nichole Rolfe filed the lawsuit on Monday, April 6, in Genesee Circuit Court on claims an instructor at the private school’s campus told students to threaten and panic patients into immunizations. Rolfe’s dismissal from the program came just 20 weeks before she was set to graduate.

“She stated that we would go in there if they declined and then we would use threats to coerce them,” Rolfe said of the instructor’s lesson. The threats could include, “You’re going to lose your Medicaid and if you lose your Medicaid because you refuse the vaccine you will have to pay for your entire hospital stay,” she claims.’

Read more: Nursing College Instructor Told Students to THREATEN Patients Into Vaccinations

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