Our Old Question of the Presidency, Now in a New Time

In an inspiring discussion with associates yesterday, Lyndon LaRouche noted that his entire operation, “as you all know well by now,” is based on this water question, and the implications of the water question—not only that, but as combined with the matter of the Presidency of the United States—of creating the new Presidency of the United States, which must be formulated, hopefully, very soon; and we will be devoting ourselves to doing the things that we may be able to do, which would build up the potential for this.

I happen to be about one of the oldest of the still-functioning members of that organization. And, I’ve had, a very important—especially at times, the most important function, and therefore I’m probably one of the most significant persons from the standpoint of age and experience, as to what the Presidency actually means, and in large degree what most of the world means. Because I’ve been at the hot spots of these kinds issues for quite a long time. Actually, since I left military service in World War II—immediately after military service, when, after coming out of an illness, I became a successful executive in the matter of economy.

So, that’s the way we should look at it. We have people of different ages and experiences, coming together to be a catalytic agency of creating an organization which we’ve indicated is needed for what we’ve indicated as the most probable candidate seen right now: O’Malley. As I’ve emphasized, that means not so much O’Malley as such, as a single person. It means O’Malley is the most qualified right now, to become the President of the United States. He would not be a single person, but as President, the leader of a government formed on the basis of his leadership.

And I think that’s the only available solution for us in the United States, to now contribute what we have to contribute, for the reform of civilization generally. By that I mean that fact that the forms of government, or the nominal forms of government which have existed heretofore, including the British Empire, are not really what we want. The BRICS, for example, and China, are more typical of what we want. We do want a system of sovereignty of nations, with certain qualifications. We want their independence; we also want their coordination on common issues.

And that’s what we have to do, after our government has suffered many times in its experience, so far. We’ve had many Presidents who were no damn good; and we’ve had Presidents who were good, but the governments that they had were no damn good, because they were outnumbered on their assigned roles, or outswindled in that process. So we’re now going into a new kind of thing, a new kind of Presidency for this time. In one sense, it’s the normal American Presidency, shall we say, Alexander Hamilton being a model of that kind of thing, as well as John Quincy Adams, and so forth. BUT, we’ve now entered a period where it’s a new kind of world. And the new kind of world is a global world, where there’s no longer emphasis on governments and nations as being what they have been considered before. Now we have independent governing agencies, but they have a certain sense which the BRICS manifest and exhibit.

I’m very much an international person, with international devotions—but at the same time, a specific loyalty to the idea of our United States. But I believe that our United States must coordinate itself, with nations which are fit, and disposed by fitness to share a cooperation. So, it’s a new form for us. What’s happening in Argentina, in other places in South America, what’s happening in some parts of Asia. The re-creation of Russia as a nation. You know, Russia went through a number of things after the breakup of the Soviet Union, and it’s only relatively recently that Putin has become the figure, who brought together the elements, probably with about 80-90% support, to create an actual Russian government. And the Russian government has a very important connection to China; it’s one of the most important features: the Russia-China relationship. Because that is what’s going to pull the world as a whole together. We already have cooperation in some parts of South America. We should be able to clean up the mess and “burn out the Bushes,” which have polluted our own nation, that sort of thing. So, we’re in that kind of situation. And we have various experiences, by virtue of age and so forth.

This is where we’re going, and this is what we want to go to. We do not want to go to independent subject-matters. We want to go to the point, first of all, of creating a United States, again, which fits the actual requirements of the United States—but fits that into the kind of development in which, we know, the planetary system as a whole, must bring itself into a new form of general cooperation—and some parts of the world are doing that. The United States has not done that. And I would think that what I’ve been talking about and proposing, would be for the United States to enter, in its own role, in its own name, with its own original Constitution—to become joined into the BRICS group of nations.

It’s time for the U.S. to function again,
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