Phony Civil Asset “Reform”

In January, outgoing Attorney General Eric Holder announced some “reforms” of the “Equitable Sharing Program.” This program allows the State and local government to equitably share in the proceeds of…civil asset theft.

While the pro-Obama media herald these reforms as a giant step forward to rolling-back civil asset theft, in fact Holder’s order only applies to a limited category of civil asset theft known as “federal adaption.” This is when property sized under state and local law is categorized as a federal seizure, thus ensuring the state and local police department permits, as well as the federal government, can keep the proceeds of the seizure.

Given her belief that Civil Asset Theft is a “wonderful tool” Loretta Lynch may find even Holder’s modest change unacceptable, and reverse it if she is confirmed as Attorney General. Please help make sure she does not get that chance by signing the Vote No on Lynch Action Fax.

For more on Holder’s phony civil asset theft reform see my old fired and fellow Ron Paul congressional staff alumni Adam Dick’s article “Fed Asset Seizures Rollback Less than Advertized” from the Ron Paul Institute for Peace and Prosperity.




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