Vibration, the Holographic Universe and Health

‘Scientists exploring the phenomena of cymatics have observed and documented how vibration governs the form of physical matter. When vibrational energy and information are introduced via sound, light, or other vibrational stimuli, physical systems change their form and function.

Vibration can be perceived in multiple sensory ways, with all of our 5 senses being ways of interpreting vibratory patterns in our environment. Everything that is perceived to exist in physical reality is just the narrow, dense layer of wave forms and vibration that is being projected and manifested by higher density vibrational fields.

Physicists have discovered that any particle which appears to exist is in a sense a snapshot of a wave, which appears in a momentary frozen form as a result of the observer perceiving it in order to crystallize a reality for the observer. Nothing is truly solid or stable, everything is energy in some state of motion, i.e. vibration.’

Read more: Vibration, the Holographic Universe and Health

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