Which Republicans Haven’t Cosponsored Audit the Fed?

In the 111th Congress, every Republican in the House cosponsored Audit the Fed.

In the 112th and 113th Congress, every Republican but one voted for Audit the Fed.

Rep. Thomas Massie’s H.R. 24 currently has 184 cosponsors, but in order to push for a vote in the House, we need to make sure this bill is cosponsored by at least 218 members of the House.

It’s vital we get as many Republicans to cosponsor this bill and show House leadership this legislation has earned another floor vote.

If your representative is listed below, please call and tweet at them today urging them to cosponsor H.R. 24 immediately and do what they can to seek a roll call vote.

Representatives are listed in alphabetical order by State for your convenience.

Name District Party Phone Twitter
Bradley Byrne AL-1 R 202-225-4931
Martha Roby AL-2 R 202-225-2901 http://twitter.com/RepMarthaRoby
Robert Aderholt AL-4 R 202-225-4876 http://twitter.com/robert_aderholt
French Hill AR-2 R 202-225-2506 https://twitter.com/RepFrenchHill
Martha McSally AZ-2 R 202-225-2542 https://twitter.com/RepMcSally
David Valadao CA-21 R 202-225-4695 https://twitter.com/RepDavidValadao
Devin Nunes CA-22 R 202-225-2523 https://twitter.com/Rep_DevinNunes
Kevin McCarthy CA-23 R 202-225-2915 http://twitter.com/GOPWhip
Steve Knight CA-25 R 202-225-1956
Ed Royce CA-39 R 202-225-4111 http://twitter.com/RepEdRoyce
Mimi Walters CA-45 R 202-225-5611
Darrell Issa CA-49 R 202-225-3906 http://twitter.com/DarrellIssa
Gus Bilirakis FL-12 R 202-225-5755 http://twitter.com/RepGusBilirakis
Dennis Ross FL-15 R 202-225-1252 http://twitter.com/RepDennisRoss
Tom Rooney FL-17 R 202-225-5792 http://twitter.com/TomRooney
Ander Crenshaw FL-4 R 202-225-2501 http://twitter.com/andercrenshaw
John Mica FL-7 R 202-225-4035
Mike Simpson ID-2 R 202-225-5531 http://twitter.com/CongMikeSimpson
Bob Dold IL-10 R 202-225-4835 https://twitter.com/RepDold
Randy Hultgren IL-14 R 202-225-2976 http://twitter.com/rephultgren
Adam Kinzinger IL-16 R 202-225-3635 http://twitter.com/repkinzinger
Peter Roskam IL-6 R 202-225-4561 http://twitter.com/PeterRoskam
Susan Brooks IN-5 R 202-225-2276 https://twitter.com/@SusanWBrooks
Larry Bucshon IN-8 R 202-225-4636 http://twitter.com/RepLarryBucshon
Hal Rogers KY-5 R 202-225-4601 https://twitter.com/rephalrogers
Ralph Abraham LA-5 R 202-225-8490 https://twitter.com/RepAbraham
Garret Graves LA-6 R 202-225-3901
Bruce Poliquin ME-2 R 202-225-6306
Bill Huizenga MI-2 R 202-225-4401 http://twitter.com/RepHuizenga
John Moolenaar MI-4 R 202-225-3561
Fred Upton MI-6 R 202-225-3761 http://twitter.com/RepFredUpton
John Kline MN-2 R 202-225-2271 http://twitter.com/repjohnkline
Ann Wagner MO-2 R 202-225-1621 https://twitter.com/@RepAnnWagner
Blaine Luetkemeyer MO-3 R 202-225-2956 https://twitter.com/repblainepress
Vicky Hartzler MO-4 R 202-225-2876 http://twitter.com/rephartzler
Sam Graves MO-6 R 202-225-7041 http://twitter.com/smallbizgop
Trent Kelly MS-1 R 202-225-4306  
Patrick McHenry NC-10 R 202-225-2576 http://twitter.com/PatrickMcHenry
Frank Guinta NH-1 R 202-225-5456
Tom MacArthur NJ-3 R 202-225-4765
Lee Zeldin NY-1 R 202-225-3826
Pete King NY-2 R 202-225-7896 http://twitter.com/reppeteking
Dan Donovan NY-11 R 202-225-3371  
Elise Stefanik NY-21 R 202-225-4611 https://twitter.com/RepStefanik
Richard Hanna NY-22 R 202-225-3665 http://twitter.com/reprichardhanna
Tom Reed NY-23 R 202-225-3161 http://twitter.com/RepTomReed
John Boehner OH-8 R 202-225-4811  
Greg Walden OR-2 R 202-225-6730 http://twitter.com/repgregwalden
Tom Marino PA-10 R 202-225-3731 http://twitter.com/RepTomMarino
Charles Dent PA-15 R 202-225-6411 http://twitter.com/#!/dentpressshop
Joseph Pitts PA-16 R 202-225-2411 http://twitter.com/RepJoePitts
Mike Kelly PA-3 R 202-225-5406 https://twitter.com/MikeKellyPA
Ryan Costello PA-6 R 202-225-4315
Pat Meehan PA-7 R 202-225-2011 http://twitter.com/repmeehan
Tom Rice SC-7 R 202-225-9895 https://twitter.com/RepTomRice
Kristi Noem SD R 202-225-2801 http://twitter.com/RepKristiNoem
Kay Granger TX-12 R 202-225-5071 http://twitter.com/RepKayGranger
Mac Thornberry TX-13 R 202-225-3706 http://twitter.com/MacTXPress
Lamar Smith TX-21 R 202-225-4236 http://twitter.com/LamarSmithTX21
Pete Sessions TX-32 R 202-225-2231 http://twitter.com/petesessions
Jeb Hensarling TX-5 R 202-225-3484 http://twitter.com/RepHensarling
Kevin Brady TX-8 R 202-225-4901 http://twitter.com/RepKevinBrady
Rob Bishop UT-1 R 202-225-0453 https://twitter.com/reprobbishop
Jason Chaffetz UT-3 R 202-225-7751 http://twitter.com/jasoninthehouse
Barbara Comstock VA-10 R 202-225-5136
Scott Rigell VA-2 R 202-225-4215 http://twitter.com/RepScottRigell
Jaime Herrera Beutler WA-3 R 202-225-3536 http://twitter.com/herrerabeutler
Cathy McMorris Rodgers WA-5 R 202-225-2006 http://twitter.com/cathymcmorris
David Reichert WA-8 R 202-225-7761 http://twitter.com/davereichert
Paul Ryan WI-1 R 202-225-3031 http://twitter.com/reppaulryan
Evan Jenkins WV-3 R 202-225-3452

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