Why Little Rand Paul Must Never Get Close to the Presidency — an Austerity Ghoul Who Claims that the GOP’s 2016 Budget Is Not Genocidal Enough; Rubio Announces Run for President, Boards GOP Clown Car; Any Republican President Guarantees Permanent Austerity Dictatorship; Prodded by Tax Wall Street Party Agitation, Elizabeth Warren Offers Timid Support for Transaction Tax — but Her Mission Is to Paralyze New Deal Democrats, Clearing Hillary’s Path to Nomination; Stuart Hooper on Ballot in UK Election, Submits Unique Anti-Austerity Program to 40,000 Essex Households; Attorney Jeffrey Jackson Analyzes How Reverend Pinkney Is Being Denied Justice

Featuring A Comprehensive Overview of the Greek Situation with Michael Chiotinis in Athens

Webster G. Tarpley, Ph.D. TARPLEY.net – World Crisis Radio April 18, 2015

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