A Scandal Aims To Stop World War; A Scientific Idea Aims To End Killer Droughts

The ostensibly so-solid German government coalition, which has been giving economic orders to other European countries, suddenly shows signs of starting to split, and possibly to fall.

The apparent issue is a scandal, and not a shabby one: The BND, German counterpart of the FBI, is exposed to have been executing direct orders from the U.S. NSA to spy on European governments, companies, political groups, etc. — including those in Germany — and give the results to the NSA. The country and its parliament are suddenly in an uproar.

But the actual issue, says EIR Founding Editor Lyndon LaRouche, is the onrushing threat of thermonuclear war, now being urgently and publicly warned against by retired American and Russian military figures at the highest level. “This thing is British,” LaRouche said, and the thermonuclear war threat, is coming from the use by the British oligarchy of their stooge, Obama.

“Like the second Bush, Obama is an inside traitor to the U.S. Constitution, including on war powers — but, he is a stooge for the British, and has thus been throughout his Presidency.”

And, now, because Obama has spread war disasters all over the Mideast and North Africa, and thermonuclear war with Russia or China is coming close, “It’s all coming down,” LaRouche said, to try to stop this.
“It’s coming down on Germany, recently, the slave of this policy. Merkel, is culpable; others are, too, of submission to British financial imperial interests. And, someone has blown the whistle, to try to stop the war,” he concluded.

Great resentment against Obama’s United States among German citizens, is also a factor; as LaRouche put it, “No one is loyal to Victoria Nuland!” What is the human future, if the British war confrontation is stopped at the zero hour, and their stooge, Obama, is thrown out?

A stunning idea of what mankind is capable of, emerged from an inspired discussion of the basis for addressing the “western drought crisis” by three members of the LaRouchePAC Science Team, as broadcast yesterday on this website.

Ben Deniston, with Liona Fan Chiang and Megan Beets, demonstrated, in a dynamic sweep of new scientific work, that water is a product of the galaxy in which mankind exists; that we are living in a galactic atmosphere, suffused with a relationship between cosmic radiation, ionization, and water creation; and, that the concentration of a trace gas — carbon dioxide — in the Earth’s upper atmosphere, is not the determinant of temperature, precipitation, drought, or storm systems anywhere on this planet.

Ben Deniston was able to show the real water-creation relationships graphically, repeating themselves on every time scale: decades, then centuries, then thousands of years, then millions, and then tens-of-millions-year cycles.

The underlying physical basis, is one in which cosmic ionization affects the size of water particles, up to the formation of droplets, which are the basis for the formation of clouds.

Deniston, then, demonstrated the relationships again — on the basis of more scientific studies — back at the scale of solar storms and severe Earth storms, each of which last only days!

Their meaning? That, this galactic process is comprehensible to us, and therefore, gradually, manageable by mankind. “We are the galactic species,” Ben said. “We are living in a galactic atmosphere. To the extent we realize this, our powers on Earth are magnified, to create new conditions.” Immediate action to tackle drought as in California, will be effective if it is shaped by the intention of the human species to create water, ultimately, by intervening in the laws of the galaxy.

This means, as Liona Fan Chiang put it, there is really no such thing as drought on Earth. There is plenty of water on this planet — as on some others — if we manage and create it. “The fact that we have to control this,” she added, “is going to be a moral question.”

And how human beings can begin to manage this process will be “Part 1,” Ben Deniston announced, broadcast next Wednesday, May 13, on this “New Paradigm for Humanity” program on LPAC-TV.

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